AI Creatives


AI Creative Generation


TLDR: This article provides a guide on generating audio assets using the asset form. All audio assets created through this process are suitable for use as Creative audio.

  1. Click on the Assets option in the main menu, then navigate to the asset list. From there, click the Generate New Audio button located at the top left of the screen.
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  1. Complete the fields for the Audio Ad Name and Tags.
  1. Choose a synthetic voice from the options provided. You can listen to a sample audio by clicking the play button on the voice card.
  1. Input your ad script. If you prefer to generate a script using AI, enter tags separated by commas (e.g., "Memorial day, big mac, family meal, backyard BBQ"). Then, press the Generate AI Script button. You can regenerate the script as many times as needed.
  1. Once all previous fields are filled out, click the Generate Audio button and wait for the audio to be generated. Once completed, you can play it by clicking the play button on the generated audio card. If you find the reading speed too high, you can adjust it using the Voice Speed slider located at the top left of the ad content script.
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You can regenerate the audios, potentially obtaining a different version each time, even without changing any text or voice speed. This variability is due to the nature of AI processing.

  1. if you have generated multiple audios, you can select your preferred version by clicking on the top of the card.
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  1. Finally, click "Create Audio Ad" to save your changes.
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